Because I rarely if ever allow politics to be my reason for existing on any social media, I limit my thoughts on the cesspool that it has become to but a few times a year. 

 I began 2018 with a few opinions and I follow suit in 2019.  But since even many in my extended family and circle of friends do not get the weekly Keith Ragan insight into every subject politically relevant to the headlines of the week, I go on record with some thoughts and feelings on this subject of discourse now.  As always, you are entitled to yours, and I will defend to my death your entitlement to them.  Because that’s always been at the core of what this great country stands for.

The number of people I have known in my life that I would testify for, as to sound character and reasonable intelligence, seem to diminish in number when politics are the subject of conversation.  The blithering regurgitation of the party speak of the moment immediately is their cause of the day and reason for living.  Name-calling and slander become the common means of vilifying anyone that does not agree with the 87 billion brainwashed neurons and synaptic pathways in some people's noggin. And that's what it is.  Brainwashing.  Don’t kid yourself.

We have to hold our elected officials to task when they double-talk.  It is not OK for something be presented as correct when one party is in power, but indecent when another party controls the congress and executive office. Things are right or they or not.  I personally will move even further down the road this year from "party think" and the brainwashing that goes with it and pledge to do more homework and research and align with what is moral and right, not what some party leader tells me to believe, think, and act upon. 

I am an American before a Democrat or Republican.  And I don't like the path our political leaders of either party have plotted for us. As to the subject of the day....the wall.  I don't care what you call it.  It’s ridiculous that the name matters.  To anyone! 

Every single year for the past twenty years every party in power has denounced the crime stemming from the wholesale influx of people, most decent, alarming percentages not, that are crossing from Mexico to the U.S.  Many from countries other than Mexico. Any first grader should be able to be competent enough to verify this through elemental research unless all of their brain cells have been monopolized by party to the point of no return..  We should always welcome the oppressed seeking to contribute as well as receive the benefits of our nation.  But like every generation of our forefathers, be expected to meet certain criteria and background checks, have a means to earn a living, and understand that their loyalty and commitment to the laws are to their new nation, not their old.  

If a soldier in the fight tells you they need more and better weapons, you give it to them or lose the battle and maybe the war.  If our men and women who patrol our borders and see every day what the obstacles and needs are tell us that we need to do more to stop the wholesale influx of people entering our country with no checks and balances, you ask them what they need to sustain and protect on their watch and you give it to them.  

Those too aloof, "above it all", or brainwashed into party think are not who is important here.  This is not about the next election.  It is about what is right....right now.  For our country, for our future as a nation, for the welfare of our children.  So, I don't care if you call it a wall, a fence, or anything else.  whatever makes everyone happy and gives them their sense of a win. Those closest to the action tell us we need to do more now.  We should all be ashamed of our party alliances that have prevented us reaching some sort of compromise that works to strike at the heart of the problem.  Anyone with any certification or background in negotiation knows that compromise means giving some of what you want to get some of what you want.  

If this offends your liberal or conservative extremes and you have some personal epitaph you would like to forward in my direction.  Have at it.  I'm a Vietnam vet.  I've heard it all before. Up close and personal.  

For those who want to make this a bigoted issue.  Shame on you.  For the overwhelming majority of Americans this is not about race or color...it is about an urgent need for crime prevention, preventing people who only want to come here to receive but give nothing back...it is about the numbers of people that want to come here bearing the flags and allegiances to other countries  It is about allowing people to come here who think their want is reason enough to make it easier for them than anyone before them.  Our grandparents were vetted before entry and citizenship.  They did things the right way.  We should be proud of that.  There weren’t any welfare or social programs when they got here.  It was a wilderness that they made into the greatest country on earth.  And they came from every race of people and nation on this earth.  I’ve said it before…..our uniqueness at problem solving is this very diversity of people.  We are the greatest slurry of the human race on the face of earth!

So if the “wall” is the subject of the day beginning 2019, I go on record ashamed that there are two dominant political powers in America made up of people we elected and put there that are both wrong and both childish on this issue.  Something needs to be done now as much as it needed to be done ten or twenty years ago.  Get to it.  The only “win” here is compromise that results in action.  Congress and POTUS both need to go put their big boy and girl pants and panties on and go do the job we elected them to do.  Which is elevating America and its welfare and interests before those of party and party “victories”  Ultimately, as for me, I think the victor and grown-up here might very well be the one that capitulates enough to get the ball rolling.

Talk to you again in 2020 if God allows me the time.

Author's Footnote: It is now June 30, 2024.  We are now 5 months from electing a new "old" president.  I say that because we have the same two running for office as the last election.  We are almost four years down the path of liberal malfeasance by Joe Biden and the Liberal left wing of the once proud Democratic Party.  From day one, they declared the borders wide open to any and all. Over 10.2 million immigrants have entered the country from all over the world, including from countries hostile to the United States and its interests--not counting the got-a-ways, whose numbers are significant as well. Fentanyl from cartels has risen to incredible numbers.  The first year of the open border in 2020, according to the Center of Disease Control's own pressroom, U.S. deaths rose to 57,834 and continued to accelerate in 2021 to 71,238.  It has continued at a pace that shows no remedy has been addressed; 76,226 in 2022 and 74,702 in 2023.  Rapes and murders in many areas South of the border have decreased since the influx of many undesirables, many with long histories of violence, have entered our country and prey on our girls and young women. Open derision of our police and justice system are common.  As we would say in Vietnam, to continue this way is "beaucoup dinky dau". Nuts!

And, if you are my approximate age, regardless of party, you have to shake your head and ask "why".  Why are we allowing this travesty to continue?  The "grown-up", the most grown up by age of them all, forced this plague upon us to spite his adversary and to please the interest--not of the mainstream of his party--but the extreme radical left movement that doesn't seem to like anything about the country they live in, that nourishes them, that  protects them.  It is a strange and disappointing time in this old fella's journey.  

Judging from the recent debate, there are no "big-boy" pants in play here.  It seems ironic that the candidate, Donald Trump, receives all the press for his well-known and sordid history with women and his bullying style of debate and rhetoric, but Joe Biden is seemingly portrayed more virtuous in spite of the lives impacted by his border policy and his penchant for telling whoppers even bigger than his political adversary.  

The choices for our future direction in this country aren't ideal in my view.  But it is the hand we have been dealt.  For me then, the choice comes down to what is best for my country and the few remaining years I have left to live in it.  I will easily vote for the bully.  His leadership, for the next four years, will revise the path we are currently on to a place where future men and women can steer us back into a future we can be proud of and of which our children and grandchildren can be proud, safe, and productive--in the United States of America. 




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