I am grateful to God for thinking enough of me to place my soul in this body and live this existence. And, I might add, for my years of that existence--the memories, the lessons, the relationships, and the intelligence, to consider all the possibilities for it. Perhaps the most marvelous gift was being able to come to the understanding though the living of life, is that He gave me this life and left the living of it to me. I could spend it anyway that I wished. I could deny Him because it was popular, trendy, perceived as the mark of a superior mind …or come to the understanding that He gave me a heart with my body as well as a brain, and they were designed to work together and that they were an integral and cohesive part of my soul as well.
I did not meet one American soldier in Vietnam that did not pray. They may have come to war as an agnostic or atheist, but if they were tested at all they knew instinctively who to call on when things got testy. In the book of Exodus He revealed his true name to the Israelites. I acknowledge my love and my fear, in the Lord Yahweh, Jehovah, or any other of the seven acknowledged names of The Creator of the universe, and His love for us, created in his image, exemplified by giving His only son to me--to us-- to die on the cross of Calvary, that reunion with those who have traveled with me down my life’s pathways, may have reunion with both He and His Son Jesus, when it is finished. It only requires an acknowledgement of Christ as the Son of God. And it is fully given.
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