
Showing posts from June, 2024


  There you have it, from former Nazi turned American aerospace engineer and architect.  The scientist' scientist and one of the most brilliant minds of the 20th century, acknowledges the existence of the soul.   I am grateful to God for thinking enough of me to place my soul in this body and live this existence.  And, I might add, for my years of that existence--the memories, the lessons, the relationships, and the intelligence, to consider all the possibilities for it. Perhaps the most marvelous gift was being able to come to the understanding though the living of life, is that He gave me this life and left the living of it to me. I could spend it anyway that I wished. I could deny Him because it was popular, trendy, perceived as the mark of a superior mind …or come to the understanding that He gave me a heart with my body as well as a brain, and they were designed to work together and that they were an integral and cohesive part of my soul as well. I did not ...


2019, THOUGHTS ON PARTY POLITICS AND THE WALL   Because I rarely if ever allow politics to be my reason for existing on any social media, I limit my thoughts on the cesspool that it has become to but a few times a year.   I began 2018 with a few opinions and I follow suit in 2019.  But since even many in my extended family and circle of friends do not get the weekly Keith Ragan insight into every subject politically relevant to the headlines of the week, I go on record with some thoughts and feelings on this subject of discourse now.  As always, you are entitled to yours, and I will defend to my death your entitlement to them.  Because that’s always been at the core of what this great country stands for. The number of people I have known in my life that I would testify for, as to sound character and reasonable intelligence, seem to diminish in number when politics are the subject of conversation.  The blithering regurgitation of the party speak of the ...


      Dad, Me and Brother Ken circa 1949 I was 4, maybe 5. "I wish I had some money to spend." Dad looked at me and gave his little grin. "If you close your eyes and pray real hard for God to give you some, He will. When I tell you to open them, if your prayer was good enough, since you are a little boy, God will answer." We were in Jackson, Tennessee standing by the curb and corner of a street about 5 feet away from the corner drain. I remember Dad had a friend with him, probably some family member. It would have been impossible to have squeezed my eyes any tighter and prayed any harder. "Open your eyes". As my head was already bowed, I did so, and to my delight, there in the gutter was a dollar bill. This was about 1950 and a dollar bill was a lot of money. A year later we were in our little house on Meacham Lane in McCracken County, Kentucky. We were in our tiny living room and I was standing next to a small, dark magazine rack under the picture...