When I returned home from Vietnam after the TET offensive in 1968-1969, I gave up hunting.  I tried it once with a friend at work, but even killing quail bothered me.  So I gave up all guns except a 12 gauge shotgun that I needed to sleep.  In fact, I couldn’t sleep without it.  I could not abide the consequence of not having it to protect Sandy and I from men and women with evil in their hearts and demons devouring their souls before their exodus to hell.  

Recently, I have found it necessary to dispatch a few squirrels on our bird feeders intent on total destruction of the enclosures that contain the tasty treats they feel is their manifest destiny and earthly privilege.  Their demons are  escorting them to hell, too. But, I sure don’t feel good about it,  Even after all these years. I’d have preferred they stuck to acorns and hickory nuts.

I guess I must have liked to fight as a kid, because I sure was in enough of them.  But, I gave that up, too, as soon as my feet retired the jungle boots.. I did everything I could to avoid a conflict.  I wasn’t afraid of what might happen to me. You don’t fight if you are afraid of getting hurt, because that’s going to happen. It had happened to me plenty of times.

I was afraid of what I might do if things got out of control and that thing went off in my head that made me oblivious to everything but surviving.  If you don’t think that is a real thing, you have never been in the situations many of our veterans have had to endure---and then cope with for the rest of their lives; the flashbacks in the clarity of full day, or the haunting of dreams of carnage in your sleep. 

This goes against the grain of everything that you have been taught as a definition of a “tough guy”. People have common ideas about what a tough guy is….a common stereotype if you will.  Tall is tough.  Big is tough.  A guy or woman that talks about guns or ammo and owns an arsenal of both, hunting and killing for the sport of it is tough.  Those that don’t fall into those categories are milktoast.

That makes me milktoast, by that definition.  

Unless that switch is flipped in my head again.  As long as I have sane thought and clarity it  remains in the “off” long as I’m left alone it remains in the off position.

But we are suddenly living in the time of free will without consequence.  “Think like me, let me do with you and your property as I please and you won’t get hurt.  Don’t stand for the flag and anthem, remove all reference or display of God  and you won’t get hurt.  Condone ANTIFA and embrace Maxist doctrine and you won’t get hurt.  Let me loot your business and destroy your family’s means of support in the guise of protest and you won’t get hurt.  Give up your firearms so I can beat you, maim you, steal from you at will-- and you won’t get hurt?  Support defunding the police and you won’t get hurt---except by us”

I have no automatic weapons, nor any 30 round weapons of war.  But, I do own a pistol, a shotgun, and a rifle.  And I may upgrade the rifle and pistol soon.  I never want to be in another war or have occasion to use firearms against another living soul. But, I will do what is necessary to protect what is mine and to protect those I love….to have the freedom to worship God and stand for the flag and defend a way of life that is guaranteed by our constitution, and paid for by the blood of true American heroes---the real “tough guys”, slight, short, heavy, tall and all sizes in between.  Guys that had rather die than run, rather die than sacrifice principles and beliefs,  be expected to kneel over the strains of the Star Spangled Banner and the unfurling of the American flag. 

Those guys and gals come in all colors.  I cannot imagine my Latino and Black brothers in Vietnam ever surrendering to pressure to kneel before the unfurling of colors and the American anthem. the flag of patriots that gave all for our freedoms and way of life.  We stand not because it is the flag of the United States, but because we honor those that served under it, some giving their lives, in the name of freedom and our way of life. 

Because they have given and paid the price for your right to kneel, doesn’t mean it is right to kneel. There are other forums and pedestals for peaceful dissent and social protest. Lebron James hopes he did honor to Colin Kaepernick for kneeling during the national anthem.  Really?  I hope to do honor to my country and its patriots and veterans by standing every time.  And Colin and Lebron both can kiss my old ass.  So can all the extreme left- leaning celebrity egotists if the flatulence of self-importance will let them bend that far.

The lines have been defined by the left and right.  You have to choose.  I have chosen.  It is not just about who is president on any given day.  It is about the soul of humanity and our country. It is about the kind of America you want and the kind of America you want to leave for your children.

I am too old to be deterred by consequence any more.  I will defend what is mine and what I love and believe in.  With everything that I have and am until my dying breath.

I pray that the violence on the west coast and in Minneapolis and other cities like it, remains there where they are tolerated, appeased, and fawned over. Because it will be different here.  Much different.  

My soapbox time is up. I hope this wasn’t interpreted as tough talk.  It was just plain talk.

God bless America and give us courage when needed, strength in conviction, and determination not to depart the field of battle.


Keith Wayne Ragan

August 2, 2020



  1. I ain't runnin' either. Too old and too stubborn---and I have a suspicion that there are enough of us left to "endeavor to persevere" until the country comes to its senses.


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