Kudos to Fresh Fish--Catching, Cleaning, and Cooking
Kudos to Fresh Fish--Catching, Cleaning, and Cooking 24 February 2020 A good haul of blue cats for an extended family fish fry in the late 1980's. Smithland Lock and Dam, Kentucky with my sons Scott and Matthew. I like to catch and release fish. I also like to catch, clean, and eat fish. Fishing is not cheap. People who spend $20 on fuel, another $20 on bait, and have untold thousands tied up in tackle, boats, rods and reels who fish, but never clean and cook their catch for assorted reasons---but, then go to restaurants and eat a single piece or two of fish at $15-$20 a plate--are a real oddity to me. For those that don't like fish to eat, I get it. But, if it's because you don't like the thought or exercise of cleaning fish, or cooking fish---well, you fall a couple of split-shot shy of a full bag in my book. Your hooks may have points, but they aren't real sharp. I guess I'm just a country boy. I like small fish, beheaded and gut...