
Showing posts from November, 2017


Me with my Schwinn.  Meacham Lane 1955. The Farley neighborhood in the early 1950’s on Meacham Lane was pretty much comprised of blue-collar men of trade, their offspring, and their wives. Almost without exception the sole occupation of the neighborhood wives and mothers was to take charge of the household in general, cook two or three meals a day, raise the children and see to their moral and spiritual education in addition to being a homework monitor, and care for everyone in sickness and health. In some instances these incredible women were also expected to manifest miracles with their husband's meager paychecks in order to balance the family finances. The men and women were honest and decent folks that always had the screen door open for company and most all reserved Sunday mornings for church and Sunday school.  Some of the men drank beer in the evenings and on the weekend, but in those days, that was the extent of recreational endeavors to escape the week’s trials...